Sunday, March 6, 2011

Roasted Butternut Seeds

Recently, I was gifted a butternut squash by a friend who found out she was allergic. While baking it, I didn't have the heart to throw out the seeds, so I tried roasting them- Oh my god, good idea! They are sooo much better than pumpkin seeds. They are fuller, and more nutty in flavor. Since I'm at school now, I didn't have much to work with, but I'm really happy with how they came out.

1 squash's worth of butternut seeds
pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1) preheat oven to 350
2) coat seeds with liberal amount of spice, then stir in the vanilla extract.
3) Bake for about 15 minutes (until slightly brown), taking them out every once in a while to stir for even browning.

One comment I got was that I really should have used salt for them. Personally, I enjoy the earthy, nutty taste without salt, but I'm sure it would be a good addition. Hahhah, actually, I didn't even have salt at my disposal while I was cooking- Oh school kitchens...
Oh, and I used a non-stick pan, so I didn't spray it with anything, but if you're not using non-stick you're definitely going to want to grease the pan!

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