Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spicy Red Pepper Pumpkin Soup

I had a lot of left over pumpkin from pumpkin scones, so I decided to try my hand at soup. Really easy! I mixed 2 cups pumpkin puree with 2 cups salt-free chicken stock, and added half a diced red pepper, and a small diced onion. I threw in some chili powder, red pepper, basil, paprika, salt, and pepper, and let it simmer until the veggies were soft. My boyfriend doesn't like fish, but for mine I chopped up some imitation crab into mine for some extra protein. It's really low-cal, and very filling and comfy ^_^

1 comment:

  1. This looks great. I used to get roasted red pepper soup at the Hudson Cafe and haven't had any since they closed down. Will have to try this.
